“Forever Free” Art Program

“Inspiring Everyone” to Draw

Jesus’ Horse

while learning about Him.

Revelation 19:11

And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True.

Carl Vanderheyden’s

“Mission for God!”

No one has to go through life’s challenges alone.

Jesus Christ understands perfectly what you’re going through and will support you.

The “JHAH” Art Project

A Gift From God

Drawing Your Family Closer

to Each Other, and

Jesus Christ

Mission “Not” Impossible


Peace Recipe

Gently Combine:

People, Art Supplies, Lessons, Snacks, & Sprinkle with Love

Frequently Asked Questions

“Forever Free” Art Program

Saving Souls, One Child at a Time

Dear Friend,

Our “Jesus Has A Horse Art Program” aims to reveal the divine worth of children through art, fostering a connection with God’s love and their inherent identity.

Your support is invaluable in shaping this journey, impacting lives profoundly.

Thank you for considering joining us.

Warm regards, Carl